Reviews by YoungArthur
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714 reviews/ratings - 36 pages (20 reviews/ratings per page)
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The New Adventures of Pinocchio (1999)
Gabriel Thomson is wonderful. He has a classic boy profile, I finally noticed.
My Movie Rating:

New Nightmare (1994)
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Nicholas and Alexandra (1971)
Nicely done and very well acted, but sad. Roderic Noble was a fine looking and gifted young actor.
My Movie Rating:

Nico the Unicorn (1998)
Beautiful boy & a charming film.
My Movie Rating:

Night of the Hunter (1955)
My Movie Rating:

Nimmermeer (2006)
A group of talented young filmmakers have 'borrowed' characters and situations from Pelle The Conqueror and Fanny & Alexander to create a stunning and haunting thing of their own. This short movie is exquisitely photographed and loaded with arresting images. Leonard Proxauf is extremely appealing.
My Movie Rating:

Los niños invisibles (2001)
Love the way that boy rolls his Spanish R's!
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Nochnoy dozor (2004)
Russia takes a stab at a big horror/fantasy production and the result is bizarre but interesting. Dmitri is breathtaking and quite a good actor.
My Movie Rating:

Non si sevizia un paperino (1972)
Not bad at all! Having seen one of Fulci's latest films I was prepared for the worst. The several boys in the cast are a visual treat. My worst complaint is that the film is dubbed in english and I missed hearing the boys' natural voices.
My Movie Rating:

Noordzee, Texas (2011)
This is a wonderful story of love between teenage boys and I wish so much emphasis (and film time) had not been placed on Pim's mother and her boyfriend. Neither of them are a visual delight by any standard and fewer visuals of them would have improved everything.
The scenes between the two handsome boys are very powerfully moving. They made me wish I could revert to the age of 10 and start over!
My Movie Rating:

Novecento (1976)
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Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1988)
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The Nutcracker in 3D (2009)
Always nice to see Charlie Rowe. The movie tries very hard to be charming and magical, with very good production values. To me, it only succeeds a little. It is often ponderous and takes some awful liberties with Tchaikovski's music.
My Movie Rating:

The Odd Life of Timothy Green (2012)
(revised, after watching again after several weeks)
C J Adams will steal your heart all the way through, and I thought I would be totally blown away by this movie, but sadly:
The first 25 minutes are wonderful and the rest of the movie is almost insulting, a wet firecracker. Instead of story development we see in the middle part a series of 'big moments' which either fall flat or go sour. It is as if they didn't really know what to do about 'story' and just filled in the spaces with lame crap.
Okay, the ending was nice too.
My Movie Rating:

Oliver Twist (2005)
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Oliver Twist (1948)
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Oliver Twist (1997)
My Movie Rating:

Oliver Twist (2007)
"Oliver Twist for our own era." Hm.
Well, at least they didn't throw a lot of F bombs into it.
Some fine acting jobs and the boys are great.
My Movie Rating:

Oliver Twist (1999)
I saw this one five years ago! Better late than never, I guess.
My Movie Rating:

Oliver! (1968)
My Movie Rating:

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