Night of the Hunter
Country: USA
Genre: Thriller
Ben Harper commits murder for $10,000, hides the money and makes daughter Pearl and son John promise not to tell anyone where it is. In prison, Ben's cellmate, the Preacher, tries unsuccessfully to get Ben to reveal where he stashed the money. When Preacher is released from prison he heads for the Harper home, charms Willa and wins her hand in marriage, only to kill her when she learns what he is really like. With only Pearl and John separating him from a small fortune, the Preacher unleashes the full force of his true, evil self.

- Robert Mitchum
- Billy Chapin
(John Harper) - Sally Jane Bruce
- Shelley Winters
- Lillian Gish
- Peter Graves
- Michael Chapin [ALUMNUS]
BoyActors Reviews
15 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Beautiful cinematography and an interesting storyline.
My Movie Rating:

This is Charles Laughton's only directorial credit and did he hit a home run. The performances are top-notch. The story take place in West Virginia on the Ohio river after the depression. You can easily imagine the cast as real people. Their acting is so realistic. Many towns in that area haven't changed much in the last 80 years. They still mine coal, brew moonshine and praise Jesus.

Page Last Modified: 7th May 2022
Page Added: 12th May 2003
Page Views: 13101
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