Non si sevizia un paperino
AKA: Don't Torture a Duckling
Country: Italy
Genre: Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
In a small Sicilian village, boys are found murdered, one by one. As the police and a reporter are looking for clues, several suspects emerge: the bored and beautiful daughter of a rich gangster, a woman who is suspected of being a witch, and the creepy mother of the local priest, who might be jealous of the close bond between her son and the boys.
- Several boys appear in the film in minor to supporting roles, but they are all uncredited. Please post on the forum if you have any information that could help us identify the boys.

- Florinda Bolkan
- Barbara Bouchet
- Tomas Milian
- Irene Papas
- Marc Porel
- Duilio Cruciani
BoyActors Reviews
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For now I'm only giving this movie 5 points because the dreadful dubbing really put me off.
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Page Last Modified: 29th July 2018
Page Added: 16th August 2004
Page Views: 13583
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Terrifically incompetent writing and movie-making, particularly towards the end, left me confused and frustrated. Only giving it points for the boy actors. I watched it in Italian.
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