AKA: Nevermore
Country: Germany
Genre: Drama
In his younger days, Helge Block was a skillful and respected fisherman. But nowadays he hardly brings any fish home. The people in the village have turned their backs on him and his beloved son Jonas. Nonetheless, they lead a happy life in a small fishing hut by the sea. One stormy night Helge sets out to fulfill an old mysterious dream: To bring back "the silver of the heavens" - a large catch for his starving son - but he never returns. Thereupon little Jonas Block has to undergo the painful hardships of poverty, puritan austerity and loss. Slowly the little boy loses his smile and starts to embitter. But then a little miracle happens at the magical place where the heavens and the sea become one.
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If I learnt the art of film-making, and laboured for a thousand years, I would still never be able to create something with such crystalline gorgeousness as this magnificent, sombre, windswept film.

A group of talented young filmmakers have 'borrowed' characters and situations from Pelle The Conqueror and Fanny & Alexander to create a stunning and haunting thing of their own. This short movie is exquisitely photographed and loaded with arresting images. Leonard Proxauf is extremely appealing.
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Page Last Modified: 30th January 2024
Page Added: 18th October 2008
Page Views: 9945
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It's a while since I saw this film and the spell it cast over me was unbelievable. Really, really first cast.
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