Nicholas and Alexandra
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
The tragic story of Nicholas II, the last Czar of Russia, set against the backdrop of the Russian Revolution. It is an inside look into the private lives of Nicholas and his wife Alexandra, their son and daughters, and the painful secret which bound the Imperial Couple to the mystical Rasputin, and the eventual execution of the entire family.

- Michael Jayston
- Janet Suzman
- Roderic Noble
(Alexis) - Harry Andrews
- Tom Baker
- Jack Hawkins
- Laurence Olivier
- Michael Redgrave
BoyActors Reviews
6 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Nicely done and very well acted, but sad. Roderic Noble was a fine looking and gifted young actor.
My Movie Rating:

Roderic Noble was excellent as the young heir to the Russian throne, and had perhaps perfect expressions on his face for every situation that his character encountered in this movie. I rate his performance as one of the best ever by a boy in a movie.

Page Last Modified: 31st July 2023
Page Added: 12th October 2001
Page Views: 16000
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