Reviews by RocketBoy
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199 reviews/ratings - 10 pages (20 reviews/ratings per page)
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3 Ninjas (1992)
My Movie Rating:

3 Ninjas Kick Back (1994)
My Movie Rating:

3 Ninjas Knuckle Up (1993)
The first film was the best and it wasn't "That good", but if bored, this is a good way to kill that time;)
My Movie Rating:

A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)
I think this movie was a great idea gone wrong. It had all the right peices, but they did'nt quite fit. Great FX, acting, and directing, but they could have tweeked the story line a little. I think everyone should see it and decide for themselves...that's what I do;)
My Movie Rating:

A.L.F. (1986-1990)
My Movie Rating:

About a Boy (2002)
I enjoyed this movie alot. Nicholas Hoult is not only cute, but he's also a good actor
My Movie Rating:

Abuse (1982)
My Movie Rating:

The Adventures of Huck Finn (1993)
Anything with Elijah in it is a must see in my book:)

The Adventures of Pinocchio (1996)
I love JTT, but this movie's kinda disappointing..sorry:(
My Movie Rating:

Les amitiés particulières (1964)
They did an excellent job depicting the bonds of love and friendship between the boys in this film. I highly recommend seeing it ;)
My Movie Rating:

Angels in the Outfield (1995)
Funny, cute, and positive. I love Joseph:) and Milton davis Jr is waaaay too cute in this movie!! This is the perfect family movie

Apollo 13 (1995)
Anything less than 8 stars would be an insult.
My Movie Rating:

Arachnophobia (1990)
I can't even explain how bad this movie creeped me out. I hate spiders, and movies about swarms of spiders is something I don't normally do, but watched this film all the way through...That's gotta say something about it's merits.
My Movie Rating:

Are We There Yet? (2005)
My Movie Rating:

Arlington Road (1999)
My Movie Rating:

Battlestar Galactica (1978)

The Beastmaster (1982)
My Movie Rating:

Bernie Mac Show (2001-2006)
My Movie Rating:

Big Bully (1996)
Rick Moranis and Tom Arnold make a good comic team.
My Movie Rating:

Billy Elliot (2000)
"to thy own-self be true" is a quote that fits this films message/theme perfectly. I think everyone can and will relate to this film on some level. You'll walk away feeling really good after veiwng this amzing movie. I have so much respect and admiration for Jamie Bell. He did a brilliant job.
This is a definite, must watch, feel good movie

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