A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Country: USA
Genre: Sci-Fi
It's the mid-21st century and man has developed a new type of computer that is aware of its own existence. This computer has been utilized to help man cope with the melting of the polar ice caps and the submerging of many of its coastal cities. This form of artificial intelligence has been used in robots, and one such android, a young boy is about to take an emotional journey to find out if he can ever be anything more than a machine
Reviews and Other Resources

- Haley Joel Osment
(David) - Jude Law
- Jake Thomas
(Martin) - William Hurt
- Frances O'Connor
- Brendan Gleeson
- Theo Greenly
(Todd) - Dillon McEwin
(Kid At The Birthday Party) - Andy Morrow
(Kid At The Birthday Party) - Jeremy James Kissner
(Kid At The Birthday Party) - Curt Youngberg
(Kid At The Birthday Party)
BoyActors Reviews
37 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A must see for all Osment Fans! HJO was wonderful! he never blinks! literally!

Page Last Modified: 19th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 26739
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