The Adventures of Huck Finn
Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
Huck is constantly getting into trouble despite the widow Douglas' best efforts to reform him. His drunken father kidnaps Huck with plans to kill him in order to get the money his dead mother left Huck. Huck fakes his death and escapes down the Mississippi river, where he teams up with runaway slave Jim, and they have various adventures together.

- Elijah Wood
(Huck) - Courtney B. Vance
- Robbie Coltrane
- Jason Robards
- Ron Perlman
- Danny Tamberelli
(Ben Rodgers) - Garette Ratliff Henson
(Billy Grangerford) - Alex Zuckerman
(Joe Rodgers)
BoyActors Reviews
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It was a good movie.Elija did a good job.

If you like Eli Wood, you'll love this movie! especially the scenes where he's soaked to the bone!

Page Last Modified: 7th March 2012
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 22957
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