About a Boy
Country: UK
Genre: Comedy
Will Lightman is a hip Londoner who one day realizes that his friends are all involved with the responsibilities of married life and that leaves him alone in the cold. Passing himself as a single father, he starts to meet a string of single mums, confident in his ability to leave them behind when they start to ask for a commitment. But Will's hope of a continued bachelorhood is interrupted when he meets 12-year old Marcus, in many ways his complete opposite.
- Based upon the novel by Nick Hornby
Reviews and Other Resources

- Hugh Grant
- Nicholas Hoult
(Marcus) - Toni Collette
- Augustus Prew
(Ali) - John Kamal
(Nicky) - Matthew Thomas
(Candy Thrower) - Jonathan Franklin
(Mark) - Alex Kew
(Simon Cosgrove) - Rachel Weisz
BoyActors Reviews
23 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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One of the various Hugh Grant vehicles; he was good in the fine Merchant Ivory film of Forster's Maurice, but then got into doing his bumbling schtick for Richard Curtis. This one, however, is an interesting departure though it does pale in comparison to really good odd-couple buddy movies such as Alice in the Cities, Young Soul Rebels and Blindspotting. Nicholas Hoult is an excellent young actor and the friendship between his character and Grant's is the central relationship of the film and nicely portrayed; the two actors work really well together and the time-lapse sequence showing their growing friendship is great. Didn't care for the 'gotta conform to have friends' side of the message, though.
My Movie Rating:

Good Movie & Nice Picture.
Love it!
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This just didn't work for me. I didn't connect with any character.
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Page Last Modified: 5th April 2009
Page Added: 27th April 2002
Page Views: 29944
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