Reviews by YoungArthur
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The Bad News Bears (1976)
Tanner: "How could I miss that!"
My Movie Rating:

Le ballon rouge (1956)
Very sweet movie, beautifully photographed and cleverly done.
The special effects are very simple but I'm betting they were more exasperating to set up than more complex shots in other films.
My Movie Rating:

Big (1988)
My Movie Rating:

Blöde Mütze! (2007)
Adorable IS the word for Johann in this. I could watch and listen to him all day...and maybe I will.
My Movie Rating:

Blue Jeans (1977)
My Movie Rating:

El Bola (2000)
My Movie Rating:

Brecha (2009)
My Movie Rating:

A Bronx Tale (1993)
I honestly didn't expect it to be this good. DeNiro does an excellent directing job. The author of the original play gives an amazing performance in an unexpected 4 or 5 dimensional portrayal of the gangster mentor. Very off the beaten track, overall, and very good acting all around.
My Movie Rating:

Central do Brasil (1998)
My Movie Rating:

Le Château de ma mère (1990)

Le Chiavi di casa (2004)
Beautiful but often painful film. So easy to identify with the father character. I thought some scenes were overlong - but the ending is overpowering.

A Christmas Story (1983)
Your age group might determine how highly you rate this movie. For me, the period detail delighted me almost as much as the boys. I have to admit, my eyes turned to Scott Schwartz more often than to Billingsley.
My Movie Rating:

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
I have to admit up front that I find it hard to criticize boy actors as attractive as the two boys here, since their acting is more than adequate.
Actually I was most moved by the magnificent figure of Aslan, the savior lion with Liam Neeson's voice. Incredibly good voice casting, and it is remarkable that computer effects have come so far that one could respond emotionally to a creature who was mostly a digital creation in key scenes.
My Movie Rating:

The Client (1994)
I wonder how many others besides myself were first attracted to the tape or DVD by Brad's face on the box. :-)

La corsa dell'innocente (1992)
Some grisly murder scenes, some simplistically villainous bad guys--these elements put me off. But I was definitely not bored. There is a core of beauty to this film centered in the perceptions and in the heart of the boy, who is a total angel in looks. Beautifully photographed.

Crazy Love (1987)
Um, yeah, very well titled. My vote goes to the first 1/4 of the movie also.
My Movie Rating:

D.A.R.Y.L. (1985)
must have been asleep when I rated this one the first time.
My Movie Rating:

A Death in the Family (2002)
A superior TV play with a genuine feel of reality and very moving. Austin Wolff is wonderful.
My Movie Rating:

Dek hor (2006)
This is a "scary ghost story" that touched me so deeply that I was crying toward the end. One of the top five movies of its genre that I have ever seen.
My Movie Rating:

The Devil's Playground (1976)
My Movie Rating:

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