The Bad News Bears
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
First of a trilogy of films takes an unflinching look at the little league baseball in California. Former minor leaguer Morris Buttermaker is a lazy, beer swilling swimming pool cleaner who takes money to coach the Bears, a bunch of disheveled misfits who have little talent. Realizing his dilemma, Buttermaker brings aboard girl pitching ace Amanda Whurlizer, the daughter of a former girlfriend, and Kelly Leak, a motorcycle punk who happens to be the best player around.

- Walter Matthau
- Tatum O'Neal
- Chris Barnes
(Tanner Boyle) - Erin Blunt
(Ahmad Abdul Rahim) - Jackie Earle Haley
(Kelly Leak) - Gary Lee Cavagnaro
(Engelberg) - Jaime Escobedo
(Jose Aguilar) - Scott Firestone
(Regi Tower) - George Gonzales
(Miguel Aguilar) - Alfred Lutter
(Ogilvie) - Brett Marx
(Jimmy Feldman) - David Pollock
(Rudi Stein) - Quinn Smith
(Timmy Lupus) - David Stambaugh
(Toby Whitewood) - Brandon Cruz
(Joey Turner) - David Lazarus
(Yankee) - Charles Matthau
BoyActors Reviews
16 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Good and likeable movie, deserves its classic status.
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First saw this in the early 70'S. Loved it then and still enjoy watching it. The original is still the only one to watch.
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Here's a tidbit: Bret Marx is the grandson of Harpo Marx! I love this movie, I watch it every chance I get! My favorite character is, of course, the very sassy Tanner, played very well by Chris Barnes! I also liked Brandon Cruz, he made a good opposite for Barnes. If you like Chris Barnes, try movie short, "Big Henry and the Pock A Dot Kid!" Chris co-stars opposite Barry Corbin as Big Henry!

Page Last Modified: 5th October 2013
Page Added: 26th January 2003
Page Views: 17174
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