Reviews by Bologhine
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48 reviews/ratings - 3 pages (20 reviews/ratings per page)

Águila Roja (2009-2015)
My Movie Rating:

Les amitiés particulières (1964)
Sad and beautiful. Memories of love by Roger Peyrefitte.

Aventuras de Joselito y Pulgarcito (1960)
My Movie Rating:

Bajo el Sol (2012)
My Movie Rating:

Buenos días resistencia (2013)
My Movie Rating:

Les choristes (2004)

A Christmas Carol (1984)
Iconic adaptation. George C. Scott is Scrooge. Anthony Walters is truly adorable and my favourite Tiny Tim as well.

Cotolay (1966)
A decent film, based on a local Spanish Christian legend, though not particularly memorable in any element apart from the appearance of the wonderful Didier Haudepin
My Movie Rating:

Deseo (2014)
My Movie Rating:

Dos años de vacaciones (1962)
My Movie Rating:

El pequeño ruiseñor (1956)
My Movie Rating:

El Espinazo del Diablo (2001)
My Movie Rating:

La gran aventura (1969)
My Movie Rating:

Gretel & Hansel (2020)
My Movie Rating:

La Guerre des boutons (1962)
My Movie Rating:

Hada (2015)
My Movie Rating:

Heintje - Einmal Wird Die Sonne Wieder Scheinen (1969)
My Movie Rating:

The Hole in the Ground (2019)
My Movie Rating:

The Innocents (1961)
A very eerie atmosphere and sense of dread is woven through the entire movie, with excellent performances by Kerr and Martin Stephens as the cherubic yet unnerving Miles

Intruders (2011)
My Movie Rating:

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