Les choristes
AKA: The Chorus
Country: France
Genre: Drama
In 1948, a music teacher takes a job at a correctional boarding school and determines to change his pupils' lives by acquainting them with the magic and power of music after he is stunned by the school's harsh realities.
- France's 2005 submisssion for foreign language Oscar
Reviews and Other Resources

- Gérard Jugnot
- François Berléand
- Jean-Baptiste Maunier
(Pierre Morhange enfant) - Jacques Perrin
- Maxence Perrin
(Pépinot enfant) - Thomas Blumenthal
(Corbin) - Simon Fargeot
(Boniface) - Théodul Carré-Cassaigne
BoyActors Reviews
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Middling pablum but touching in parts and worth seeing for Jean-Baptiste Maunier and the singing of Les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Marc (mixed choir). Maunier, who sings very pleasantly though he's definitely not in the top rank of boy singers, was twelve and a half at the time of filming; he sang his last as a soloist a month past his fourteenth birthday, then retired, wishing to go out on a high note rather than wait until his voice began changing. Later he turned up again in the 2006 film of Le Grand Meaulnes.
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Page Last Modified: 4th September 2011
Page Added: 18th February 2004
Page Views: 15245
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