Águila Roja
TV Series
AKA: Red Eagle
Country: Spain
Genre: Adventure, Historical Drama
XVII Century Spain. Mild-mannered schoolteacher Gonzalo de Montalvo is (secretly) ?guila Roja -- The Red Eagle -- a vigilante who champions the poor and disadvantaged, protecting them from El Comisario and his henchmen/lawmen, using incredible swordsmanship and martial arts skills.
- Series continues in film Aguila Roja La Pelicula (2011)
Reviews and Other Resources
- English
- AguilaRoja S01E01 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E02 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E03 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E04 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E05 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E06 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E07 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E08 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E09 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E10 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E11 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E12 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E13 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S02E01 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S02E02 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S02E03 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S02E04 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S02E05 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S02E06 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S02E07 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S02E08 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S02E09 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S02E10 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S02E11 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S02E12 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S02E13 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S03E01 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S03E02 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S03E03 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S03E04 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S03E05 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S03E06 eng.srt
- AguilaRoja S03E07 eng.srt
- Spanish
- AguilaRoja S01E01 spa.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E02 spa.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E03 spa.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E04 spa.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E05 spa.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E06 spa.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E07 spa.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E08 spa.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E09 spa.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E10 spa.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E11 spa.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E12 spa.srt
- AguilaRoja S01E13 spa.srt
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Notable Guest Appearances
- Iván Martín in episode 1.06 "La elección de Gonzalo" 2009
- Iván Martín in episode 2.01 "Gonzalo descubre un secreto de sus oígenes" 2010

- David Janer
(Gonzalo) - Francis Lorenzo
(Comisario) - Inma Cuesta
(Margarita) - Javier Gutiérrez
(Satur) - Guillermo Campra
(Alonso) - Borja Sicilia
(Murillo) - Óscar Casas
(Gabi) - Patrick Criado
(Nuño) - Iñigo Navares
BoyActors Reviews
1 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
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Page Last Modified: 3rd July 2022
Page Added: 9th March 2009
Page Views: 23835
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