Reviews by YoungArthur
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Air Bud (1997)
My Movie Rating:

Akademia pana Kleksa (1984)
Pure delight.
My Movie Rating:

Al otro lado (2004)
My Movie Rating:

Alabama Moon (2009)
Jimmy Bennett and especially Uriah Shelton stole my heart and they can keep it as long as they want.

Alexander (2004)
I liked it very much, even apart from the early boy scenes. There are flaws, but I can't honestly be harsh on a movie that moved me so much. Connor Paolo is wonderful in the first part of the film and the other boys are very appealing, if only briefly seen. The best match-up in looks between boy actor and adult actor playing the same character that I have ever seen. Colin Farrell reminded me of young Connor and that was a very nice experience.
My Movie Rating:

Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974)
My Movie Rating:

All Mine to Give (1957)
My Movie Rating:

All Summer in a Day (1982)
My Movie Rating:

All the Kind Strangers (1974)
An assembly-line TV movie from the period. Strictly a showcase for several attractive boys.
My Movie Rating:

Almost Famous (2000)
My Movie Rating:

Always Will (2007)
I'll give it an extra point for sincere effort by a group of amateur indie filmmakers. The story is rather intriguing but very hard to follow details of its development. They really need to concentrate on editing skills if he/they plan to make another one.
My Movie Rating:

Los amantes del Círculo Polar (1998)
My Movie Rating:

Amazing Stories (1985-1987)
A VERY uneven series. There were a few gems like the pilot, "Ghost Train" but many of the entries seemed like anecdotes, rather than stories with a beginning, middle and end. I had the impression Spielberg lost interest in this series very quickly, or that he was simply ill-suited to half-hour storytelling.
My Movie Rating:

American Heart (1992)
My Movie Rating:

Les amitiés particulières (1964)
What a beautiful performance by Didier and what a heartbreaker of a film.
I finally found a crude copy of this film that I knew someone had sent me years ago. It is broken down into 17 separate clips! I would give a lot to find a really fine copy.

Amor estranho Amor (1982)
some breathtaking visuals.
My Movie Rating:

Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986)
My Movie Rating:

Andersonville (1996)
My Movie Rating:

An Angel for May (2002)
A near-perfect time travel story, which I love. Matthew Beard is wonderful and makes me believe it. The adult actors are superb. Also, a very rich music score, amply orchestrated. (even instrumental soloists are credited at the end!)
My Movie Rating:

Angela's Ashes (1999)
My Movie Rating:

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