Almost Famous
Country: USA
A high-school boy is given the chance to write a story about an up-and-coming rock band as he accompanies it on their concert tour.
- Filmed May 24 - October 6, 1999

- Patrick Fugit
- Michael Angarano
(Young William Miller) - Jay Baruchel
- Billy Crudup
- Eion Bailey
- Noah Taylor
- Jason Lee
- Anna Paquin
- John Patrick Amedori
BoyActors Reviews
12 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I was very disappointed with this movie! I only liked the first 10 or so minutes, after that I lost interest! I hate it when a director only gives a TEASER of a boy, then you spend the rest of the movie wishing to see more boys! this is a movie I will only see once! I gave it a 6/10 for Michael, and only Michael! I love this kid, I thought he was a dream in the short lived scenes he was in. I also think he looks great in those Blue Jeans! :)
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 17th July 2017
Page Added: 2nd October 2001
Page Views: 19813
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