All Mine to Give
AKA: The Day They Gave Babies Away
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
This is a story based on fact that follows a husband and wife who emigrate from Scotland to Wisconsin in the 1850's. They work very hard and become welcome citizens of their new town, Eureka. They have six children. They prosper in the husband's boat building business. But when their eldest is 12, tragedy strikes the family, and the 12-year old is burdened with a terrible task...
- Glynis Johns
- Cameron Mitchell
- Rex Thompson
(Robbie) - Butch Bernard
(Kirk) - Stephen Wootton
(Jimmy) - Jon Provost
(Bobby) - Tiger Fafara
BoyActors Reviews
6 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (7.33 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
this was jsut okay for me. i really do not like the acting of rex thompson his movnets and facail expression were so stiff. i liked the second oldest boy he was good.
My Movie Rating: 6 / 10Page Last Modified: 25th December 2023
Page Added: 16th February 2003
Page Views: 8590
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Based on a true story, this is my all-time favorite Christmas classic and to make it even better we have my favorite actor, Rex Thompson, playing the oldest of six children helping his family out as best as he can. So far TCM has aired this film each year and I hope they will continue this tradition, and if they do I will definitely watch it again.
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10