Country: Portugal
Genre: Drama
13 year-old Jaime lives in Porto, Portugal. During the day he is a normal schoolboy, but at night he sneaks out to earn whatever money he can in a variety of jobs; working in a bakery, construction, a delivery boy, etc. He wants to earn enough money to pay for a motorbike for his dad, who lives alone and is suffering from depression. Unfortunately, Jaime's school work suffers, his father commits suicide and the money he has been saving is stolen...
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- Saúl Fonseca
(Jaime) - Fernanda Serrano
- Joaquim Leitão
- Guilherme Leme
- Sandro Silva
(Ulisses) - Vítor Norte
- Nicolau Breyner
BoyActors Reviews
7 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Straightforward, well-made and involving.
My Movie Rating:

This film ranks among the best I have ever seen.

Page Last Modified: 12th February 2011
Page Added: 11th November 2003
Page Views: 13342
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