Reviews by JazzyBear
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13 reviews/ratings
Brecha (2009)
My Movie Rating: 9 / 10Du er ikke alene (1978)
If at one point in time, you were a schoolboy, with a crush on another boy, you must watch this. It's beautiful and sublime. Lasse Nielsen is a master. What a pity we don't place stories like this on the syllabus for our young people to discuss.
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10En tu ausencia (2008)
Beautiful movie.
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011)
Thomas Horn is excellent .. but overall I was a little disappointed in the narrative. The trailers hyped it to be something it is not (as trailers tend to do).
My Movie Rating: 7 / 10The Genesis Children (1972)
Not a very well written or directed film, but certainly a curiosity. The story behind the actors, and film-makers is actually far more interesting than the film itself!
There is an attempt at a story here, I just wish I knew what it was! It was absolutely panned by critics at the time - but maybe nostalgia is a saving grace today. It is worth viewing, but if you are are fan of intricate and well crafted stories, this will disappoint severely. If you only want to enjoy youthful exuberance and naked beach boys - you'll love it.
My Movie Rating: 4 / 10Ich seh, Ich seh (2014)
This is such a good movie! The boys are wonderful. But not for the faint hearted.
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10Keeper'n til Liverpool (2010)
Highly enjoyable from the get go! Really lovely, funny but poignant too. Watch it !
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10Man, Woman and Child (1983)
Sebastian Dungan is superb as the delicate and beautiful french boy, and he even manages a believable accent. The story is really about the adult relationships, and the effect that a secret illegitimate child has on a family. But it's also about how love can prevail, and how important and strong a father/son relationship can be. Recommended - even though Sebastian isn't in every scene.
My Movie Rating: 7 / 10Mees Kees (2012)
Nice family entertainment - and actually a nice feel good movie. With handsome boys ... and a handsome "teach" too !
My Movie Rating: 7 / 10My Left Foot (1989)
A masterpiece of cinema. But obviously Hugh O'Conor is only in the first part of the movie. But since this is a biographical piece - that's hardly surprising. Well performed considering Hugh (and Daniel Day) are playing a person with severe physical disabilities.
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10The Reflecting Skin (1990)
It felt like a B movie, but in a way that seems appropriate. The plot was good, but the final act was pretty lame. And a silly ending. Worth watching only if you encounter it on TV. It tried hard to have a message. But I think the director forgot half way through what that message might be.
My Movie Rating: 3 / 10A Shine of Rainbows (2008)
I agree with Boymoviebuff - I hadn't high hopes for this, as stories made by foreign producers set in Ireland tend to get the "begorrah" treatment. But this was not bad at all - and really was a sweet surprise. A little gem.
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10Song for a Raggy Boy (2003)
Hard to believe that people supposed to care for children, could hold such malice and evil in their hearts. A great movie, as it makes you feel the full range of human emotion.
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10This site is non-commercial and is not an official or representative web presence for any of the actors or movies listed. All images and text are the property of their respective owners. Do not link directly to any of the images on this site - please upload them to your own webspace, on the understanding that yours is also a non-commercial site.
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