En tu ausencia
AKA: In Your Absence
Country: Spain
Genre: Drama
The story of a fatherless boy whose fixation on a mysterious stranger leads him blindly into a tragedy that is to mark him for life.
- The first film to be produced, written and directed by Iv?n Noel
- The US (Region 1) DVD of this film is censored in one scene (the image is 'zoomed' for a brief few seconds, in order to cut the portion of the image near the border of the image frame). However, the German (Region 2) DVD (under the title "Wo warst Du?" - Amazon UK link at top right of this page) is uncensored, and has optional English subtitles.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Fransisco Alfonsin
- Gonzalo Sánchez Salas
(Pablo) - Ana Tutor
- Antonio J. Atienza Sánchez
- Anabel Azuar
- Lola Mendoza
- Luis Vargas Gómez
(Luis, the Mechanic's Son) - Luis Valle Romero
(Lake Boy #1) - Tomás Benitez Soto
(Lake Boy #2)
BoyActors Reviews
13 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Most recent review listed first

A troubled boy, a nosey postman, dishonest teenagers and much more in this tale set in Andalusia with a lonely boy ready to do anything for an adult male friendship which goes horribly wrong.
My Movie Rating:

Works its way through a series of archetypes with a certain originality and quiet flair. The subplot involving the main character's slightly older female friend is unusual and sympathetically handled. The movie is nearly unique in the close and affectionate way it focuses on its boy actors.

Beautiful movie.

Page Last Modified: 1st February 2020
Page Added: 17th January 2009
Page Views: 13523
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