The Land of the Enlightened
Country: Afghanistan, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands
Genre: Documentary, War Drama
As American troops prepare to withdraw from Afghanistan, a group of boys living in the wild Afghan mountains, led by a lad called Gholam (Gholam Nasir), dig up old Soviet mines to sell, recycle weapons, and raid the caravans smuggling opium, in this seamless blend of fiction and documentary.
- Directed by Belgian filmmaker Pieter-Jan De Pue (b. 1982), whose first film was the short movie O (2006), "The Land of the Enlightened" is De Pue's second film, and his first feature length movie. It was filmed over a period of seven years and is a 'hybrid' feature documentary which weaves documentary footage into an overarching fictional narrative, in order to tell the story of the real lives of Afghan children.
- Winner of the Cinematography Award in the category of 'World Cinema - Documentary' at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival
- Gholam Nasir
- Khyrgyz Baj
- Koko Ewas
- Koko Mullalih
- Marina Golbahari
- Sergei Kovinchenko
- Devin A. Cleeves
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Page Last Modified: 12th January 2019
Page Added: 30th November 2018
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Brilliant. The director doesn't heroise (or demonise) anyone, but presents a portrait of people struggling in their various ways to survive and flourish under conditions made worse by constant invasion and occupation by foreign powers, of which the Americans are only the most recent example.
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10