Country: Germany
Genre: Comedy
In the GDR, the annual "Pioneer Birthday" on December 13th was when ten-year-old Young Pioneers (who wore a blue necktie) got their long-awaited red necktie and graduated to the Th?lmann Pioneers. However, in 1990, when 10-year-old Young Pioneer Yuri learns from his teacher that there are no more Pioneers following the dissolution of the GDR, his hopes of gaining his red necktie seem dashed. So, with the help of his friend Herr Krupp, he decides to kidnap the famous West German theatre director Armin Berendt, in order to blackmail Chancellor Helmut Kohl into reintroducing the Pioneer Birthday!
- "Nadryw" (pronounced roughly NAD-DREEV), the title of this film, is in origin a Russian word which was imported into German. When Dostoevsky's novel "The Brothers Karamazov" was translated into German, the Russian word "nadryw", as used by Dostoevsky, was considered untranslatable, and so was simply converted into the western alphabet. Over time the word became used by other German writers. Though it is difficult to convey the nuances of the word precisely (whose literal and original meaning in Russian is "tear", as in to tear a piece of fabric), it stands for a kind of anguished and uncontrollable emotional outburst, when a person releases intimate and deeply hidden feelings.
- Director Katja Ginnow (b. 1989) has described this film as a modern fairy tale which seeks to convey, in a lighthearted and colourful manner, the way in which many citizens who were born and raised in the GDR felt that the rug had suddenly been pulled from under their feet with the reunification of Germany. Concerning the specific scenario envisaged in the film (of boys not being able to graduate to the Th?lmann Pioneers because of the abolition of the Communist Youth organisations), Katja Ginnow explained in an interview that "You wouldn't believe it, but there are many men who experienced this and found it incredibly unfair that they did not get a Pioneer scarf".
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Page Last Modified: 4th April 2022
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