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Otra vuelta de tuerca

AKA: The Turn of the Screw

Country: Spain

Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller



A sexually conflicted young man who is hired to take care of two orphaned siblings in a remote seaside mansion comes to believe that the ghosts of two former servants are trying to take possession of the children.


  • Adapted from the 1898 novella "The Turn of the Screw" by American author Henry James (1843-1916)
  • Directed and co-written by Eloy de la Iglesia (1944-2006), who also directed such films as "Juegos de amor prohibido" (1975), "El diputado" (1979), "El Sacerdote" (1979) and "Colegas" (1982), among many others.
Picture for Otra vuelta de tuerca


  • Pedro Mari Sánchez
  • Queta Claver
  • Asier Hernández
  • Cristina Goyanes

BoyActors Reviews

2 member reviews/ratings for this Movie

Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings

Most recent review listed first

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Interesting interpretation but not quite as effective as The Innocents (1961).

My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 7 / 10
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Well this is an interesting one: The Turn of the Screw with a tutor rather than a governess and with a Miles in early adolescence that therefore turns into a story about repressed homosexuality -- unsurprisingly from de la Iglesia! Kind of thuddingly literal-minded but well worth a look. Some dialogue at the beginning is in Basque.

My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 7 / 10
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Page Last Modified: 16th August 2018
Page Added: 3rd August 2018

Page Views: 2267

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