En Sabana Grande siempre es de día
Country: Venezuela
Genre: Drama
Victor (Mario Antonini) escapes from his middle class home to search for his father (who is not even aware that he has a son). He joins up with a couple of street urchins, Cocoliso and 'Cara e' brocha', and together they search for Victor's father in the Sabana Grande neighbourhood of Caracas.
- The title of this film translates as "In Sabana Grande it is always daytime".
- Written and directed by innovative and multiple award winning Venezuelan documentary filmmaker Manuel de Pedro (b. 1939), this was de Pedro's first fictional narrative feature film.
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- Mario Antonini
(Victor) - Nelsón Marquina
(Cara e' brocha) - Frank Garcia
(Cocoliso) - Daniel López
(Quico) - Virginia Urdaneta
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

Utterly wonderful. Why isn't there a beautiful remastered version of this on a Criterion Collection blu-ray? To think of the sheer unadulterated crap that gets the royal treatment (Guy Maddin, anyone?) when there are gems like this slipping below the radar...dear me.

Page Last Modified: 26th November 2020
Page Added: 20th May 2018
Page Views: 7475
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