Tarzan and the Leopard Woman
Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
An African tribe devoted to the leopard cult is dedicated to preventing civilization from moving further into Africa. Tarzan fights them when the cult first attacks a caravan and next attacks Jane and Boy. Tarzan is captured. Boy is bothered by the Leopard Priestess' younger brother. Cheetah saves the day.

- Johnny Weissmuller
- Johnny Sheffield
(Boy) - Brenda Joyce
- Acquanetta
- Edgar Barrier
- Tommy Cook
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Typical Tarzan, once you've seen a few you've seen them all. The only thing that changes is Boy. He keeps growing and then he gets replaced. I recommend watching Tarzan in the order they where made.
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More fond memories. :)
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Page Last Modified: 24th August 2014
Page Added: 23rd October 2010
Page Views: 5942
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