AKA: We Shall Overcome
Country: Denmark
Genre: Drama
The year is 1969. The world is changing rapidly and corporal punishment has been banned. The tyrannical headmaster, however, hasn't bothered to notice. 13 year old Frits spends his summer holidays watching the family's first television, and is influenced by the winds of change. Martin Luther King's speeches and dreams of a better life have armoured him with courage and the desire for rebellion. When the headmaster steps over the line, the boy takes up battle against the authorities.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Janus Dissing Rathke
(Frits) - Bent Mejding
- Anders W. Berthelsen
- Jens Jørn Spottag
- Anne-Grethe Bjarup Riis
- Peter Hesse Overgaard
- Sarah Juel Werner
- Lasse Borg
(Søren) - Daniel Ørum
BoyActors Reviews
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Janus Dissing Rathke is excellent as Frits in this inspiring film about a boy who dares to be different and has the courage to stand up against authoritarian abuse.

Page Last Modified: 22nd February 2013
Page Added: 4th May 2006
Page Views: 13582
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