Io speriamo che me la cavo
AKA: Ciao, Professore!
Country: Italy
Genre: Comedy
A bureaucratic bungle sends Marco Sperelli, a portly, middle-aged northern Italian, to teach third grade in a poor town outside Naples. His first challenge is to increase attendance, collaring his students one by one from home, jobs, or delinquent idleness. Then he must convince his students that classroom learning has real-world payoffs. Meanwhile, Sperelli's students draw their gentle, self-deprecating teacher into their gritty lives outside the classroom.

- Paolo Villaggio
- Mario Bianco
(Nicola) - Pierfrancesco Bonuto
(Peppiniello) - Antonio Scotto di Frega
(Mimmuccio) - Ciro Esposito
(Raffaele) - Dario Esposito
(Gennarino) - Luigi Lastorina
(Toto) - Adriano Pantaleo
(Vincenzino) - Ivano Salazaro
(Giovanni) - Salvatore Terracciano
(Salvatore) - Marco Troncone
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Page Last Modified: 19th June 2021
Page Added: 29th January 2005
Page Views: 15146
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