La Mala educación
AKA: Bad Education
Country: Spain
Genre: Crime, Drama, Romance, Thriller
In the early 60s, two boys ?Ignacio and Enrique- discover love, movies and fear in a Christian school. Father Manolo, the school principal and Literature teacher, both witnesses and takes part in these discoveries. The three characters come against one another twice again, in the late 70s and in 1980. These meetings are set to change the life and death of some of them.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Fele Martínez
- Gael García Bernal
- Daniel Giménez Cacho
- Lluís Homar
- Javier Cámara
- Petra Martínez
- Nacho Pérez
(Young Ignacio ) - Raúl García Forneiro
(Young Enrique)
BoyActors Reviews
9 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Undeniably masterful. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but should not be missed. Its pivotal plotline is a love story between two boys, seemingly the only genuine love in the entire film. Black and brilliant stuff.

I didn't see the need for the NC-17 rating. I liked the movie but thought it could be so much more.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 31st August 2008
Page Added: 2nd June 2004
Page Views: 19869
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