Her Twelve Men
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Jan Stewart (Greer Garson), a new teacher at The Oaks, a boys' boarding school, becomes instructor and mother-figure to a class of twelve. She must overcome the disapproval of Joe Hargrave (Robert Ryan), head of the lower school, who has misgivings about Jan's inexperience.
- Of Greer Garson's 12 'men' (i.e. boys), 8 have proper roles and are as follows (in the order in which they are introduced in the film): David Ellison Clark III (played by Dale Hartleben), Tim Johnson (Peter Roman), Homer Curtis (Rex Thompson), Michael Elliott (Lee Aaker), Jimmy Travers (Stuffy Singer), Bobby Lennox (Donald MacDonald), Jeff Carlin (David Stollery), and Alan Saunders (Peter Votrian). The remaining four are just uncredited extras (two of whom are referred to at one point as 'Tony' and 'Peter' - the other two aren't even given names). Richard Oliver Jr. (Tim Considine) is not part of Garson's original class of twelve, but is introduced later on in the film. He is, in fact, Garson's "thirteenth" man.

- Greer Garson
- Robert Ryan
- Barry Sullivan
- Richard Haydn
- Rex Thompson
(Homer Curtis) - Tim Considine
(Richard Y. Oliver, Jr.) - David Stollery
(Jeff Carlin) - Donald MacDonald
(Bobby Lennox) - Dale Hartleben
(David Ellison Clark III) - Stuffy Singer
(Jimmy Travers) - Peter Votrian
(Alan Saunders) - Peter Roman
(Tim Johnson - uncredited) - Lee Aaker
(Michael Elliott)
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Page Last Modified: 28th May 2018
Page Added: 4th September 2003
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