Manny's Orphans
AKA: Kick!
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
A sporting comedy about Manny, an unemployed soccer coach who takes a job at an orphanage. When he runs into money problems that threaten to ruin his life, Manny's team plots to bail him out by betting on themselves in their championship soccer game.

- Marlon Acuna
(Jimmy) - Michael Brown
(Billy) - Xavier Rodrigo
(Raoul) - David Schmalholz
(Bobby) - Ari Lehman
(Roger) - Rouviere Santana
(Petey) - Michael Moses
(Harry) - Jay Schmalholz
(Eddie) - Jim Baker
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I thought it was okay, but there was definitely room for improvement. The boys were great, though!
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Not a really good movie but not a bad movie either. Mainly it's worth watching for the boys. They're almost all likable and reasonably good actors.
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Page Last Modified: 20th February 2019
Page Added: 21st May 2003
Page Views: 9024
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Just watched the football match on YouTube so cannot really score this film so I've given it a neutral 5. Interesting to see the boys in 1978, nearly all of them far better looking than today's boys, wearing neat shorts and, of course, the usual script where the winning goal comes in the last second.
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