Titles produced in Czechoslovakia - 79 titles in this section
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4 pages (25 Movies per page): A P > JAK JAK > OTE PAN > VYH ZA > ZTR
A pocúvaj brata (1983) AKA Listen to Your Brother | |
At Ziji Duchove! (1977) AKA Long Live Ghosts! | |
At' zije Republika (1965) AKA Long Live the Republic | |
Automat na prání (1968) AKA The Wishing Machine | |
Brontosaurus (1980) | |
Cervená kulna (1968) | |
Cesta do praveku (1955) AKA Journey to the Beginning of Time | |
Chlap prezývaný Brumteles (1982) | |
Chobotnice z druhého patra (1986) | |
Dedecek je lepsí nez pes (1989) AKA Grandpa's Better Than a Dog | |
Devadesát jedna bílych koní (1986) | |
Dobrodruzství na Zlaté zátoce (1955) | |
Dobrodruzství s nahým klukem (1964) AKA Adventures with a Naked Boy | |
Duhová kulicka (1987) | |
Dva lidi v zoo (1989) AKA Twins at the Zoo | |
Ecce Homo Homolka (1969) | |
Ferdinande, vrat se! (1984) | |
Frajeri a frajerky (1979) | |
Freonový duch (1990) | |
Holubice (1960) AKA The White Dove | |
Honzíkova cesta (1957) | |
Indiáni z Vetrova (1979) | |
Die Insel der Silberreiher (1976) AKA Ostrov stribrnych volavek | |
Jak dostat tatínka do polepsovny (1978) | |
Jak vytrhnout velrybe stolicku (1977) |
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