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Die Insel der Silberreiher

TV Movie

AKA: Ostrov stribrnych volavek

Country: Czechoslovakia, East Germany

Genre: Drama



A small German town at the end of World War I. Heinrich, the 13-year-old grandson of the old Colonel von B?low, is rigidly advised to seek friends only within his own social class. However, he becomes friend with Paul and Willi. On one of their rambles through the woods they encounter two deserting soldiers near a lake, Sepp Erdmann and the young Czech Tony. Paul and Willi intend to help them, but they are suspicious of Heinrich, who indeed finds himself in a conflicting situation, because his grandfather thinks Erdmann responsible for the death of his son. The colonel leads a big search party while Erdmann and Tony seek shelter on an island in the lake?

Picture for Die Insel der Silberreiher


  • Michal Vavrusa
  • Petr Vorísek
  • Tomás Vacek
  • Erwin Geschonneck
  • Günter Naumann
  • Vladimír Dlouhý

Page Last Modified: 2nd June 2012
Page Added: 29th February 2012

Page Views: 5451

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