Tomás Holý
Date of Birth: 17th March 1968
Details of Death: 8th March 1990
Country of Birth: Czechoslovakia

- Marecku, podejte mi pero! (1976)
- At Ziji Duchove! (1977) (as Vendelín)
(aka Long Live Ghosts!) - Jak vytrhnout velrybe stolicku (1977) (as Vasek)
- Setkání v cervenci (1977) (as David)
- Babicka je ráda (1978)
- Jak dostat tatínka do polepsovny (1978) (as Vasek)
- Miluji Te (1978)
- Muz s orlem a slepicí (1978)
- Pod Jezevci skalou (1978) (as Vasek)
(aka Under the Badger's Rock) - Na pytlacke stezce (1979) (as Vasek)
- Postaveni mimo hru (1979)
- Tajemství Ocelového mesta (1979)
- Upír ve vezáku (1979) (as Ladislav Benda)
- Anna proletárka (1980)
- Úteky domu (1980) (as Honzík)
- Za trnkovym kerem (1980) (as Vasek Straka)
(aka Behind the Sloe-Bush) - Prázdniny pro psa (1981) (as Petr Mráz)
- Připoutejte se, letíme nad Atlantidou (1982) (as Mark)
(aka Unterwegs nach Atlantis)
Page Last Modified: 1st January 2025
Page Added: 14th July 2001
Page Views: 22152
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