Reviews by jax
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141 reviews/ratings - 8 pages (20 reviews/ratings per page)
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The Bad News Bears (1976)
First saw this in the early 70'S. Loved it then and still enjoy watching it. The original is still the only one to watch.
My Movie Rating:

Ben 10: Race Against Time (2007)
I liked this movie more than I should have. I enjoyed seeing so many of my old TV favorites. I would watch the sequel if its ever made.
My Movie Rating:

The Best Thief in the World (2004)
I enjoyed this movie from start to finish. I really felt for Izzy and the whole family. It was a bad situation all the way around.
My Movie Rating:

The (2000)
I often wonder if I'm watching the same films as everyone else. I've seen this one many times and always enjoy it.
My Movie Rating:

Bush Christmas (1947)
I hope Ted Turner get a hold of this and colorizes it. I enjoyed the movie and will watch it again.
My Movie Rating:

The Butcher Boy (1997)
When bad things happen to good people you can get an electric film. This movie is truly a gem. I enjoyed it from start to finish. The Cuban Missile Crises playing out in the background adds a fitting sub-plot to the story. I'll be watching this movie many time in the years to come.

The ButterCream Gang (1992)
I enjoyed this movie and the actors. Its worth seeing.
My Movie Rating:

C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005)
What a good movie! I liked the script, costumes, and locations. The attention to the detail of the costumes, cars and other set pieces was excellent. I highly recommend this movie.
PS: I loved the sound track. Patsy and David played well off each other. One classic country and one hard core rock and roll really spiced up the movie.
My Movie Rating:

Cachorro (2004)
A fantastic movie with a great moral to boot. Few enough movies address AIDS in a positive light. I was quite moved by the ending.
My Movie Rating:

Camp Nowhere (1994)
A gem still worth watching.
My Movie Rating:

Catch That Kid (2004)
The special effects carried this movie. I wasn't impressed by any of the acting.
My Movie Rating:

The Cement Garden (1993)

Charlie: A Toy Story (2013)
My Movie Rating:

Charlie's Ghost Story (1994)
My Movie Rating:

Le Chiavi di casa (2004)
Loved the boy but wanted to strangle the father. Well worth watching.

Chicago Calling (1952)
I really enjoyed this movie. I will be sure to watch it again if it comes on T.V.
My Movie Rating:

Children of Invention (2009)
I wasn't impressed by Michael Chens' performance. The rest of the cast was excellent.
My Movie Rating:

Children of the Damned (1963)
My Movie Rating:

Chop Shop (2007)
Very believable.
My Movie Rating:

The Courtship of Eddie's Father (1969-1972)
I use to watch every week with out fail. I've seen a few as a grown-up and still enjoyed them.
My Movie Rating:

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