Reviews by YoungArthur
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Spellbound (2002)
Appealing, but a bit too much 'documenting' for me.
My Movie Rating:

The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008)
Very entertaining and a nice job by Freddie. I could have cheerfully strangled both the mother and teenage sister characters. They took a lot away from my enjoyment of the film.
My Movie Rating:

Spy Hard (1996)
There's way too little of Mason Gamble. I like this type of spoof, but this material gets thin too fast. Leslie Nielson has done much better. (and who would have thought that the stolid and handsome star of 'Forbidden Planet' would wind up his movie career as a great clown?)
My Movie Rating:

The Squid and the Whale (2005)
My Movie Rating:

Stand by Me (1986)
Wonderful movie, great boy performances. Every time I see the film it occurs to me that the director had it made in one respect - it is just impossible to get a bad picture of these boys.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
My Movie Rating:

Station Jim (2001)
My Movie Rating:

Stepmom (1998)
My Movie Rating:

Stolen Summer (2002)
My Movie Rating:

Storm Boy (1976)
Greg Rowe is extremely appealing and a very expressive young actor. He sure looks cute barefoot!
Every boy should have a wise Aborigine to tell him the truth about life and death.

Stranger Things (2016-????)
My Movie Rating:

Stray Dogs (2002)
My Movie Rating:

Streetwise (1984)
My Movie Rating:

Sun on the Stubble (1996)
My Movie Rating:

Super 8 (2011)
Cluttered in every way, to say the least.
And a boy's mother killed in an accident while working a shift at a steel plant?? in 1979????
My Movie Rating:

Swinki (2009)
A very serious and troubling film, the kind that forces me into cerebral appreciation without real enjoyment. The boy lead did give a remarkable performance.
My Movie Rating:

Sztuczki (2007)
My Movie Rating:

Taare Zameen Par (2007)
I'm glad I got through that first hour! Turned out to be a very touching and heartwarming experience. Lovely boys.
My Movie Rating:

Taken (2002)
A very involving marathon of a series, interesting even if you got weary of the X-Files slant on abductions. It boasts a whole hoard of some of the best-looking and talented young actors of our time.
The series does have a way of taking over your life for 10 nights straight.
My Movie Rating:

Taming Andrew (2000)
One of the most moving performances by a boy actor I have seen. It is a shame that the movie as a whole could not measure up.
My Movie Rating:

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