Reviews by AH382
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15 reviews/ratings

A.L.F. (1986-1990)
I remember that show very well, I loved some of the funny episodes that make me laugh when I was very young at night!
My Movie Rating:

Charles in Charge (1984-1990)
I agree with Rocketboy. I have seen that show since I was 2 to 8 years old that year because it's good.
My Movie Rating:

Empty Nest (1988-1995)
I remember the show again, it is a okay show.
My Movie Rating:

Growing Pains (1985-1992)
Yeah, I agree with Rocketboy, I remember watching this show when I was 3 to 10 in '85 to '92.
My Movie Rating:

Highway to Heaven (1984-1989)
I remember that show since I was 2 to 7 years old in '84 to '89 because it's a good show. I remember that show very well that I watched as a kid.
My Movie Rating:

Home Alone (1990)
I really liked that movie back in 1990 when I was a little eight year old kid, My favorite part of the scene is Macaulay Culkin was screaming "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" from his home to everywhere in this earth during he put his hands on his cheeks from he put shaving cream or something on his hands make me laugh so hard! I loved that movie so much!

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)
I really like that movie is less funny but I loved that movie when I was ten back in 1992. I still liked his screaming still make me laugh hard since part one.

Lost in Yonkers (1993)
It is a good movie! I remember I was a little 11 year old kid in 1993, I saw the cars around town and they were at Murphy Theatre when my dad and I drove to town and saw the Hollywood movie "Lost in Yonkers" there. It was awesome. I'm glad they were at my hometown for acting for a movie.
My Movie Rating:

Mr. Belvedere (1985-1990)
I remember that show when I was 3 to 8 years old in '85 to '90 that I think it was a good show.
My Movie Rating:

Picket Fences (1992-1996)
I remember that show when it first aired in 1992 when I was ten till it ended in 1996 at age 14, I used to watch as a kid in my younger days. It was good.
My Movie Rating:

Punky Brewster (1984-1988)
I remember that show when I was 2 to 6 years old since 1984 to 1988 when I used to watch when I was a kid, I loved it.
My Movie Rating:

Roseanne (1988-1997)
I agree with them, it was a okay show.
My Movie Rating:

Silver Spoons (1982-1987)
I have seen that show since I was a small toddler like in mid 1982 to 5 years old that time it ended back in '87 that I loved watching for 5 years. It was a good show. I remember that very well.
My Movie Rating:

Who's the Boss (1984-1992)
I remember that show very well that time when I was younger at 2 to 10 years old.
My Movie Rating:

The Wonder Years (1988-1993)
I agree with Teddy bear, I remember the show when I was a kid.
My Movie Rating:

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