Country: France
Genre: Drama
Mondo is a magic-realistic fable based on the work of French writer J.M.G. Le Clezio. It follows the daily adventures of its titular character, a bright and imaginative 10 year old Gypsy boy, who suddenly appears on the harbor front street of Nice. With no known past and no particular destination, he wanders from encounter to encounter, sporadically asking perfect strangers if they want to adopt him.
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- Ovidiu Balan
(Mondo) - Philippe Petit
- Pierrette Fesch
- Jerry Smith
- Schahla Aalam
- Maurice Maurin
- Catherine Brun
BoyActors Reviews
12 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Quite gorgeous.

Wonderful to see Nice so vividly portrayed on film. Ovidiu Balan gives a touching performance. This is part of Tony Gatlif's set of films about Romani life. I can't fault it anywhere! Just lovely.

One of the best films ever! Stunningly beautiful cinematography

Page Last Modified: 29th September 2013
Page Added: 21st March 2003
Page Views: 19032
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I cried my eyes out. What a beautiful, honest and mesmerizing film!