BoyActors Reviews
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Unique and thrilling film. The relationship between Davies' character and Mills' character is interesting to follow. Another top notch production from The Rank Organization.
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Remarkable movie based on the D. H. Lawrence short story of the same name. An overlooked dark gem from this period in English cinema, as is Queen of Spades by Thorold Dickinson of the much better-known and also excellent Gaslight. John Howard Davies, future BBC Head of Comedy and Thames Television Head of Light Entertainment, does a great job.

Page Last Modified: 7th May 2022
Page Added: 19th March 2003
Page Views: 12068
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Just seen this film of 1949 on YouTube. You can tell it's English with the cut glass accents and everyone dressed oh so formally. Rather good film for its time with good acting from John Howard Davies. The old tale of riches - at a price.
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