De Tasjesdief
AKA: The Purse Snatcher
Country: Netherlands
Genre: Drama
Alex is very close to his grandmother while his busy parents seem to have little time for him. One day he surprises two boys from his school leaving her house and is shocked to find her tied up inside - they have robbed her! Alex is sworn to secrecy as his gran is worried that her daughter will think her incompetent. This secret leads Alex into trouble as the two boys accost him in the street and bully him into becoming a "bagsnatcher" (tasjesdief) for them, mugging old ladies.
- English
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- Olivier Tuinier
(Alex van Zuilen) - Aus Greidanus
- Micha Hulshof
(Evert) - Myranda Jongeling
- Jaap Spijkers
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I have been so lucky as to see Olivier Tuinier in many more productions. This isn't one of his best, but it certainly deserves attention.
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Page Last Modified: 29th September 2013
Page Added: 7th March 2003
Page Views: 6390
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