La Lengua de las mariposas
AKA: Butterfly
Country: Spain
Genre: Drama
For Moncho, it's an idyllic year: he starts school, he has a wonderful teacher, he makes a friend in Roque. But it's also the year that the Spanish Republic comes under fire from Fascist rebels. Moncho's father is a Republican as is the aging teacher, Don Gregorio. As sides are drawn and power falls clearly to one side, the forces of fear, violence, and betrayal alter profoundly what should be the pleasure of coming of age.
- Also known as "The Butterfly's Tongue".
- Manuel Lozano
(Moncho) - Fernando Fernán Gómez
- Uxía Blanco
- Gonzalo Uriarte
- Alexis de los Santos
- Tamar Novas
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Page Last Modified: 12th December 2019
Page Added: 15th February 2003
Page Views: 6177
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