Enemy at the Gates
Country: USA
During WWII the fall of Stalingrad would have meant the collapse of the whole country. The Germans and Russians fought over every block. In this movie Russian sniper Vassili Zaitsev stalks the German officers, taking them out one by one. He becomes a hero to his countrymen. A master German sniper is sent in to kill him. A young Russian boy, Sacha Filipov (Gabriel Thomson) acts as a go-between for the two snipers.

- Jude Law
- Ed Harris
- Rachel Weisz
- Joseph Fiennes
- Gabriel Thomson
(Sacha Filipov) - Bob Hoskins
- Ron Perlman
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I was shocked at the end when Sacha met his demise!

Page Last Modified: 19th July 2014
Page Added: 13th February 2003
Page Views: 13413
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