Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Fenton is faced with the grim reality that their religious fanatic father might be going insane when his visions lead to a series of murder to destroy supposed "demons". While Fenton tries to help his father and stop the murders, his younger brother Adam believes his father is doing God's will.

- Bill Paxton
- Matthew McConaughey
- Powers Boothe
- Matthew O'Leary
(Young Fenton) - Jeremy Sumpter
(Young Adam) - Luke Askew
- Levi Kreis
- Blake King
BoyActors Reviews
19 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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It lost a point from me for the "twist" at the end. I might not go as far as cal-q-l8 but it definitely left a bad impression, a shame because the performances were all top notch.
My Movie Rating:

This was Bill Paxton's Directorial Debut! The story is about a widowed Father raising his 2 boys in 1979, A religeous family, one night Dad wakes the boys up in the middle of the night, telling them a terrific story that he had been visited by an angel, and the angel had been sent to recruit Dad and the boys as warriors for God, Adam believes it 100%, Fenton does not! Fenton starts to think it's maybe all a joke, until Dad brings home the first "Demon"! The movie has a few twists and turns! Matt and Jeremy were great!

Page Last Modified: 29th April 2022
Page Added: 8th February 2003
Page Views: 17480
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