Country: USA
A police chief, a scientist, and a grizzled sailor set out to kill a shark that is menacing the seaside community of Amity Island.
- Directed by Steven Spielberg.

- Roy Scheider
- Robert Shaw
- Richard Dreyfuss
- Lorraine Gary
- Murray Hamilton
- Chris Rebello
(Mike Brody) - Jay Mello
(Sean Brody) - Jeffrey Voorhees
(Alex M. Kintner)
BoyActors Reviews
12 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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'Jaws' a boy movie? Well, I suppose if you stretch a point it could be classed as that. However, this is still only a semi-boy film as it is mainly acted by adults. The film itself is a classic and worthy of 9 stars but, as this is a BOY actors forum, it cannot be awarded more than half the stars at 5. This is one of the classics of cinema though the boy parts are reduced, in one instance, to ending up in hospital with shock and, in another, providing the shark with a tasty meal - poor Jeffrey Voorhees.
My Movie Rating:

One of my favorites! I didn't get to see this in the theater, but my older Sister did, she said that when the shark appeared at the stern of the boat and surprised Brody, everyone in the audatorium screamed and the popcorn went flying!
It has been said that this movie almost caused the extinction of the Great White shark, because it cause a phobia on shark attack!

Page Last Modified: 6th December 2007
Page Added: 4th February 2003
Page Views: 15135
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This film is technically accomplished, but I feel that the fact that it is Spielberg has led people to overlook one very important fact about this film, namely that it is REALLY, REALLY HORRIBLE. It focuses on people being tortured and killed in gruesome ways and lingers on their deaths, their faces, their screams of death, etc., as in the opening scene where the young woman is killed, and the death of Quint at the end. The latter gave me nightmares for years, but then I'm a sensitive soul! The characters are memorable if a little stereotyped, though why do they keep talking over each other? It has its moments, but overall it is not really my personal cup of char.
My Movie Rating: