Heiße Spuren
TV Movie
Country: East Germany
Genre: Family
Ten-year-old Lutz Paschke is determined to emulate his father, a detective captain, and sets out to find a crime that he can solve. But the overzealous young detective also sees crimes where there are none, and thus embarrasses his father, who is summoned unnecessarily. And so no one believes him when he actually witnesses a crime. So he sets out to solve the crime with his girlfriend Katrin and his dog Pinkus. Can they convict the perpetrators?

- Alfred Scheid
(Lutz) - Kerstin Kulakowski
- Dieter Franke
- Micaela Kreißler
- Agnes Kraus
Page Last Modified: 26th September 2024
Page Added: 26th September 2024
Page Views: 345
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