Alwin auf der Landstraße
TV Movie
Country: East Germany
Genre: Family Drama
The summer holidays are just around the corner, but Alwin has little reason to be happy. Because of his bad grades, his father has sentenced him to house arrest and spelling exercises. Alwin runs away from home and sets off by bike to visit his grandparents in the Harz Mountains. Almost 200 km lie ahead of him. On the country road, he meets a wide variety of people and finds a helpful friend in Stade, a long-distance truck driver. Alwin doesn't learn much for school, but he does learn a lot for life.

- Andreas Schmidt
(Alwin Weingart) - Hans-Peter Reinecke
- Martina Heister
- Renate von Wangenheim
- Theresia Wider
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Page Last Modified: 22nd September 2024
Page Added: 22nd September 2024
Page Views: 408
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