Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Country: UK
Genre: Family Adventure
The hugely successful second of the Harry Potter series from J.K.Rowling's best selling novels. Harry is visited by a house-elf named Dobby and warned not to go back to Hogwarts. He ignores the warning, and returns and it's not long before strange things start happening. People are becoming petrified, and no-one knows what is doing it. Harry learns of the Chamber of Secrets of which it is said that only Salazar Slytherin's true descendent will be able to open.

- Daniel Radcliffe
(Harry Potter) - Rupert Grint
(Ron Weasley) - Emma Watson
(Hermione Granger) - Tom Felton
(Draco Malfoy) - Richard Harris
- Maggie Smith
- Kenneth Branagh
- Robbie Coltrane
- Alan Rickman
- Harry Melling
(Dudley Dursley) - James Phelps
(Fred Weasley) - Oliver Phelps
(George Weasley) - Matthew Lewis
(Neville Longbottom) - Devon Murray
(Seamus Finnigan) - Jamie Waylett
(Vincent Crabbe) - Joshua Herdman
(Gregory Goyle) - Hugh Mitchell
(Colin Creevey) - Luke Youngblood
(Lee Jordan) - Brendan Columbus
(Boy In Study Hall) - Robert Ayres
(Boy In Study Hall) - Alfred Enoch
(Dean Thomas)
BoyActors Reviews
11 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Most recent review listed first

I loved Daniel's and Rupert's performances, they were great!
I only gave this film a 7/10 because I didn't like the scenes were Ron's spell on Draco backfired onto himself, and HE started spitting Slugs, SO GROSS!! that made the film unsettleing to me.
My Movie Rating:

One rating point above part one, so a solid 8. The storyline has markedly grown in complexity and depth. The character performances are more pervasive and convincing. A wonderful movie for everyone, entertaining and again a festival of visual accomplishments. The cast is utter brilliant, as in all the HP parts. Rupert Grint in particular will always be remembered as Ron Weasley. Awesome character!

Page Last Modified: 28th April 2022
Page Added: 27th November 2002
Page Views: 12300
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