Battlestar Galactica
TV Series
Country: USA
Genre: Sci-Fi
The last major Colonial fighter carrier leads a makeshift fleet of human refugees on a desperate search for the legendary planet Earth.
Notable Guest Appearances
- Johnny Timko in episode "The Lost Warrior" 1978
BoyActors Reviews
6 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
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Most recent review listed first

SO MUCH BETTER than the remake series, I didn't like the remake AT ALL! Boxey was the focal point of the show for me, I stopped watching after Noah's part was discontinued as the child Boxey after the cast change.

I liked this show. It was pretty good. Noah Hathaway was so good in it and so darn cute. The problem is he didn't have nearly enough air time. He wasn't in the show enough. If he was I might have given the show a higher rating. It was good but I would have liked to have seen more of Noah.
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A timeless science-fiction series. Noah was absolutely adorable!!!
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 26th April 2022
Page Added: 31st August 2002
Page Views: 12110
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