My Life So Far
Country: UK
Genre: Comedy
This movie, based on fact, tells the tale of a ten year old boy's 'awakening' in post-WWI Scotland. Trouble starts when our young hero stumbles upon his deceased grandfather's 'forbidden' library and the very appealing soon to be bride of his uncle appears on the scene. Armed with a comically superficial understanding of sex and the passions of first love, this lad on the verge of manhood tries to gain some form of recognition from his beloved..., who has also become the focus of his father!

- Robert Norman
(Fraser) - Colin Firth
- Rosemary Harris
- Irène Jacob
- Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
- Malcolm McDowell
- Roddy McDonald
(Rollo) - Daniel Baird
BoyActors Reviews
11 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A surprisingly entertaining film, Fraiser and his brothers were quite charming, and very cute! you'll love scenes where they come running out of the castle wearing just towels!

Page Last Modified: 26th April 2022
Page Added: 18th July 2002
Page Views: 11403
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