E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Country: USA
Genre: Sci-Fi
A group of aliens visit earth and one of them is lost and left behind stranded on this planet. The alien is found by a 10 year old boy, Elliot. Soon the two begin to communicate, and start a different kind of friendship in which E.T learns about life on earth and Elliot learns about some new values for the true meaning of friendship. E.T. wants to go home, but if Elliot helps him, he'll lose a friend...
Sound Clips

- Henry Thomas
(Elliott) - Dee Wallace-Stone
- Peter Coyote
- Drew Barrymore
- Robert MacNaughton
(Michael) - K.C. Martel
(Greg) - Sean Frye
(Steve) - C. Thomas Howell
BoyActors Reviews
29 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I find this film one of the best made films and really well acted my Henry!

One of my all time favorites. I only wish Steven had left it alone and not re-edited it after 9-11. The walkie-talkies he substituted for the guns look funny in the end scenes. And the removal of the terrorist word is stilted. Do yourself a favor and find an old edition.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 16th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 15719
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