Daleko od siebie
Country: Poland
Genre: Drama
During a business trip to Lviv, Marcin meets his old college friend and discovers that he has a son Michal. After returning to Poland, Borowski invites them both to visit him, although he knows that it will complicate his relationship with his current girlfriend. When Maria dies in an attack during the journey, Michal comes to live with his father. Marcin is completely unprepared to play the role of a father, and Michal can't get used to his new surroundings. Marcin wonders if it would not be a better solution for both of them to give Michal to an orphanage. When Michal accidentally hears this he runs away. For Marcin, the boy's escape is a shock. Now there is no doubt anymore - he must find his son.

- Artur Zmijewski
- Mateusz Kosiorowski
(Michal Marczuk) - Malgorzata Foremniak
- Joanna Jezewska
- Roman Gancarczyk
Page Last Modified: 14th August 2021
Page Added: 14th August 2021
Page Views: 1124
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